
Ready to play a bigger hand?

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Happy full moon beautiful!

I just got back to Quincy from my other home in Petaluma (owning the fact that I have 2 incredible places that I call home now!), and I’m feeling rejuvenated, invigorated, and lit up!

During my fast & furious trip I caught up with my besties, hit up a yoga class, got my book into the gorgeous Estuary, belted it out with my singing circle, reconnected with my beloved past landlords, and led a powerful 2-day retreat at Open Field Farm with my treasured ABC community.

Here are a few highlights from my trip and the retreat! <3

At the retreat I cut to the chase by asking the badass babes attending what project/s they REALLY wanted to see to fruition in the 2nd half of this year.

Not the small ones, but the BIG, exciting project/s, that have them feeling totally ON FIRE, and feeling fully on purpose…

We focused on projects like massive cross-country tours, dream retreat/living spaces, luxurious swimming ponds, one woman shows, books, and beyond getting funded, mapped out, and actualized.

As expected though, with that big and bold ask, women came up against roadblocks, doubts, uncertainty, and limiting beliefs on whether or not it would be possible to ACTUALLY bring their visions to fruition. 

But then of course, we were there to debunk those beliefs and brainstorm, think outside of the box, and get curious about how they might create an unconventional way or path to reach their goal. 

Many of them realized there was a level of playing a smaller hand currently at play, and through the brainstorming and deep inner work we did at the retreat, they were able to explore new possibilities to reach their goals…

And, I’m SOOO freaking pumped for these women and the magical momentum that is already in the works for them post retreat! 

So what about you? I’m curious…

What passion project do you MOST want to see to fruition in the 2nd half of this year, and why?

What excites you about it, and when you actualize that vision, what is the impact that that will have both on you and your community?

What roadblocks are slowing you down from moving forward with that project, and are you ready to release and let go of them so that you can make magic happen??

(cause I believe that you wouldn’t have this vision or dream if you weren’t meant to actualize it!)

And, how can you think outside of the box in terms of how to actualize your goals?

Please feel free to respond to this and share with me, I would truly LOVE to hear…

And if you need additional support on how to create shortcuts to reaching your goals, or hand holding you through this process, I invite you to BOOK A CALL WITH ME to explore working together so you can reach them in a fraction of the time.

At the retreat I shared 3 different ways of working with me and Team ABC right now:

  1. A high-support, 1-1, year-long coaching program for the woman who’s on her growth edge and is ready to fully claim her power, financial sovereignty, soar her mission-driven business to extraordinary heights (only 2 spots avail this year)
  2. Our 4-month Fall Mastermind Collective that’s starting just around the corner – spots are already filling fast!
  3. And a SUPER LUXE Chicago-based retreat happening in Oct. called Wildly Prosperous – sooo damn stoked for this one. :)

More on these soon – but for those that want to get first dibs on these spots, BOOK A CALL with me to explore. My team and I can’t wait to support you with your vision and I’m so excited for the exciting and abundant journey ahead!

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