Born with their Mercury in Capricorn in their 11th house of community and friends has set Rani up as a community weaver from birth. As a first-generation, gender ocean, queerish being hailing from deep Indian roots, bringing people together and nurturing relationships that last long beyond initial meetings and their involvement is a talent that has been nourished throughout their life.
Originally a virtual assistant on the ABC team back in 2015, their role has shifted with her learnings and life experiences. They facilitate the virtual side of our retreats, run our member's forums, and help our clients hone new tools to create rituals based on client's own ancestry. Rani also brings nearly 30 years of practice in yoga & meditation to our team which helps her hold space for our community as they move through transitions within our programs.
They are a lover of all things poetry, Mehandi, radical intentional rest, science, salt water, social justice, health equity, knitting, and backyard fire pit parties with their three offspring, sweet niece, friends, and pets.
Rani MacNeal, ABC Community Weaver & Virtual Retreat Assistant