I’ve gotta tell ya, this truly is one of my most favorite seasons of the year…
If you’re not familiar with Beltane (which officially took place on Wednesday), it marks the exact midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice, and from this point forward for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we’re moving into the brightest and lightest months of the year.
Beltane (meaning Bright Fire in Gaelic) honors the Earth’s fertility and our creative energy as humans.
It celebrates the themes of sensuality, sexuality, pleasure, and passion…
And, this season is all about following your heart and doing what feels most pleasurable to you.
I also find that my creative energy is heightened during this time, and is often when I get big hits of inspiration and my best business ideas come through.
That being said, if you’re an entrepreneur, or you work frequently on creative side projects, this is a ripe time for dreaming up new business ideas, starting them, and/or seeing them through to fruition.
(And, it’s a great time to do this in community, where you’re being inspired, motivated, and uplifted by others’ high vibes – and if you’re desiring that magic, I’ve got just a few more spots to my Rise & Thrive Petaluma Retreat happening in 2 weeks, HERE…)
Also, some of the rituals that I MOST love doing at this time of year are:
- Doing a full spring closet reset – putting away my old winter clothes and bringing out my vibrant spring/summer wearables… Vibrant color is an instant mood lifter!
- Rocking out some serious spring cleaning – doing a purge of the winter accumulation in my home at this time feels soooo damn good.
- Soaking my “barkin’ dogs” in a luxurious Flowering Foot Bath: Gather up fresh spring blossoms or herbs, add them to a basin of warm water, pour in some nourishing epsom salt & essential oils, and add in your intentions for the season – then let the healing water work its magic for 10-15 minutes… pure bliss!
- Holding an Intentional Outdoor Tea Party w/ your BFF’s or kiddos – Steep your favorite flowering tea blend in a pretty teapot, serve in dainty tea cups along with your favorite healthy sweet treats, and share your current gratitudes and your intentions for the summer months ahead.
I offer additional rituals and additional journaling q’s, and my favorite Beltane recipe in my new book, Your Spacious & Seasonal Year… do you have your copy??
If you’ve been following me for a while, this is a great low cost way to have my work literally in your hands, and to show your support as well. You can purchase your copy HERE. <3
And, Q-town folks – heads up I have 2 copies available at the Quincy Public Library if purchasing a copy isn’t an option for you… <3
All right dear ones, that’s all for now. Happy happy Beltane season, I hope you enjoy this exciting season, and as always, I’m sending so much love your way!