
Final Cali Retreat & Last Call for the Rise & Thrive Collective…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

On Friday I shared some REALLY big news with y’all…

That after 18 years in the Bay Area, I’m making some big and bold moves and migrating my family back to my Midwestern roots…

The reasons are vast and complex (shared in depth in my previous post), and this cross-roads decision has required me to call on faith and courage.

FAITH in trusting in my intuition and ability to discern when the “winds are changing”.

And, mustering up the COURAGE to leave a place that I love for family, certain freedoms that my current location couldn’t provide, and a deeper sense of home.

I’ll share more about this transition as I dance through this process, and I appreciate you witnessing me in all of the vulnerable unfolding…

I also shared in that post that I have 2 final offerings for you before I make this massive cross-country migration back home:

Spots are filling up for the 2-day retreat so I encourage you to book your spot now as it will fill – 

and we begin the Rise & Thrive Collective on Wed. of this week and have just a few spots left, so I invite you to book a call with me today to explore that option if it’s calling you. 

The Rise & Thrive Collective is aligned for you if you feel a shift coming in your business but you’re unsure of what it is – and want to get massively inspired to receive that clarity

or, you desire to expand your income and impact and you know you need the stretch and guidance to do so

or, you want to focus on completing a passion project like a book or program that can help you generate more visibility and revenue, and want a dedicated container to hold you accountable

or you want someone to hold your hand and show you what to do and when in your business – or you’re just sick and tired of feeling isolated and want to be in community with other truly incredible women.

And, it’s truly INCREDIBLE what can happen in a short period of time in these collaborative mastermind-style programs…

One of the women in our 2022 cohort (who just signed up again for this cycle) relaunched her website, hosted her first healing retreat for 10 incredible women in Rishikesh, was featured in the NYC journal as one of the time life coaches to look out for, started writing her book and double her income 

And one of the women in this Spring’s cohort found and signed the contract for her dream wellness space after thinking that was a 5 year out pipe-dream…

My team and I (you get 3 coaches for the price of 1 in this program) offer full-service, wrap-around support that you cannot get anywhere else for the investment, and we’d be honored to support you and your business in this powerful way this Fall!

If this is speaking to you, and you know you need to make a big and bold move of your own, I invite you to Sign up for an Activation Session with me to explore these 2 offerings – and know that we have customizable options to meet you at the price point that you can afford to invest.

All right dear ones, regardless of what you do or don’t do, I’ll keep you in the loop of my big shifts. Thanks again for being here and being a part of my journey, and sending you so much love!

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