
Seasonality in business…why it can shift everything!

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

In our fast-paced, tech-driven world, it can be SO damn easy to overlook the significance of honoring and working with the cycles of life and the shifting seasons…

Yet, by aligning our businesses and schedules with life’s natural rhythms, we can unlock inspiration, creativity, productivity and flow.

When we acknowledge and respect the shifting seasons, both within ourselves and our businesses, magic and abundance happens.

And, that’s why I’m so passionate about talking about this missing piece of entrepreneurship!

Here are 4 keys on how to embrace the rhythms and seasons, and to design and schedule your business around it:

  1. Tune into your inner seasons: Take a moment to reflect on the current season of your life. Are you in a phase of new growth and expansion? Or perhaps you’re experiencing a season of deep introspection and transformation. By understanding your own inner seasons, you can align your business strategies, goals, and priorities accordingly.
  2. Embrace the energy of the present season of the year: Just as each season of the year offers its unique gifts, tap into the energy of the current season and infuse it into your work. Spring is the perfect time of year to harness the vibrant energy of the season, seize new opportunities, and let your creativity flourish. Autumn is an ideal time for launching and working with that “last hurrah” energy that we see in nature, i.e. the trees changing their colors before falling and “tucking in” during the restorative and nourishing winter months.
  3. Design your schedule mindfully: Consider structuring your schedule to honor the different seasons. During times of growth and productivity, allocate focused time for innovation, planning, and execution. As you enter seasons of introspection or rest, create space for self-care, reflection, and rejuvenation. Embrace the natural ebb and flow of a year, allowing it to guide your workflow and enhance your overall well-being.
  4. Seek support from your community: Surround yourself with a community that values rhythms and flows and understands the importance of honoring seasonality. Collaborate, share insights, and learn from one another’s experiences…together, we can uplift and inspire each other on this incredible journey!

By embracing seasonality, and designing our businesses and schedules around it, we unlock loads of inspiration, sustainability, creativity and joy…

Magic is sparked, new ideas are inspired, and we feel connected to our sense of wholeness and wonder…and business just becomes more freeing and more fun – yes please!

I hope these keys serve you well, and wishing you lots of abundance and freedom in the coming months ahead!

Always with love,


Ps – I’m SUPER excited to be holding a free workshop on 8/4 called Reclaim Your Time-Freedom… If you’d love to buy back hours of your precious time, make more money and create more spaciousness and joy in your business – I invite you to sign your sweet buns up for that magic HERE.

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