
Want to have it all without doing it all? Open me up…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Wanna know something?

It’s totally possible for us as women, mothers and creative business owners to have it all without doing it all.

The biggest obstacle holding us back from believing that we get to have what we want in life is our monkey minds and all the societal conditioning and systems of oppression that have us thinking otherwise.

But, I can tell you that life and entrepreneurship is RIPE with possibility on the other side of that conditioning…

Here’s the truth:

It’s possible to set your business up however you’d like…

where you can spend time with your kids or family or friends as much as you want,

or become a digital nomad and make money when you’re sleeping,

or live in France half the year like one of my beloved clients.

It’s possible to create a business that feels so damn good that you don’t really feel like you’re working or overly stressing or compromising yourself – because you’re letting pleasure and seasonality lead the way, and you’re IN the flow.

And, it’s POSSIBLE to be rocking it in your business, even after cutting your hours in half, taking multi month-long sabbaticals a year, and honoring your body and taking the rest of the day off when you’re on the first day of your moon.

But, all this to say – it’s WAY more challenging to create true freedom in your business without giving yourself permission to receive support and constantly doing it all yourself…

(ps that’s the old crusty conditioning biting you in the buns!)

That’s why I’m so freaking stoked to share that I’ve opened the doors of enrollment to the Rise & Thrive Collective.

This is a super supportive 4-Month mastermind experience (starting in Aug) designed for an intimate group of ambitious women who desire to create pleasurable and sustainable expansion in their mission-driven businesses – while maintaining a sense of balance, ease, and JOY in their lives.

If you’ve been on the struggle bus and are ready to get the eff off – or you’ve been doing generally well in your biz but you’re wanting to go for the gold…this is for you babe. :)

This is an entrepreneurial experience of a lifetime – designed to create breakthrough results in your business and your life.

The Rise & Thrive Collective fuses action-oriented business building with pleasure-based practices, to create a seasonally-aligned and sustainable model that will soar your business to extraordinary heights.

If you’re ready to bring your business dreams fruition, and receive a clear and customizable action plan for the remainder of 2023 (and well into 2024),

as well as receive multifaceted support, accountability, and community, and have multiple expert eyes on your business every step of the way…

Then, I invite you to book an activation session with me today to explore with me the different levels of support available to you.

We’re offering multi-tiered support options for this experience – a kind of a choose your own adventure approach, so the next best step would be to book a call with me to explore.

My supportive team and I would be honored to help you design your business ON YOUR OWN TERMS, for sustainable and scalable success – without the 24/7 hustle.

And, I’m telling you from my experience, my team’s experience, and my client’s experience, that it’s TOTALLY totally possible.

I CANNOT wait to support you, and to witness the next-level expansion of your business, and to Rise & Thrive with you soon!

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