
Sales Strategies Part 2 + Now Enrolling for Rise & Thrive Collective…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hey babe!

Last week I offered the first 5 out of 10 top sales tips & strategies that I shared at the Rise & Thrive retreat, and I’m coming back at you today with the second set of 5. :)

These strategies can transform the common fears, doubts and limiting beliefs that can so often come up and stop us dead in our tracks around sales and marketing…

And, help build the confidence necessary to sell from the heart with compassionate service – so that we can make a greater positive dent in the world while increasing our revenue too…yes please!

Keep reading below to access the second set of 5 top sales strategies, and I hope these serve you well on your entrepreneurial path. 

Then, keep going right into the next paragraph “Also, as previously mentioned…” and list the Strategies and tips after the invitation into The Collective, at the bottom of the post. 

Top 10 Heart-Centered & Income Boosting Sales Strategies & Tips (Second 5)

  1. Fortune is in the Follow-Up – Release expectations for your community to respond to you the first, second or even the third time that you reach out personally inviting them into something. Folks are busy, they get caught up in their lives, they get caught up in their own resistance, and more often than not, it’s not about you. Get out of your own way, get your mindset in check and don’t be afraid to follow up.
  2. Give More Value – Offer consistent freebies and gifts, share more free content and value, and find more intimate ways to connect with your community. Invest more in your community, and they’ll invest more in you.
  3. Inspire Your Community to Take Action – Coach your community through the resistance that can come up for folx around decision making and investing, and name that inaction ultimately isn’t what will create long-lasting transformation in their lives.
  4. Invite Your Community Onto An Exploration Call (Without Attachment to Outcome) – It takes just one empowered conversation to make a sale. So don’t shy away from asking folks to have a conversation with you 1-1 about working together, what that would specifically look like for them, and the benefits they’ll receive (even if they don’t end up signing up with you right then) from having that call.
  5. Hold Powerful Space Around Investing – Making big investments and decisions can be scary and can stir up resistance, fear and limiting beliefs. As a business owner, part of your job is to stand in your strength and hold people around making the investments that will ultimately change the course of their lives and bring more joy to them. This being said, ask your potential client/customer permission to explore the resistance around what’s coming up for them regarding investing, hear them out, honor them and validate their fears, and then lovingly speak to some of those objections.

Alright, beautiful, from this list, I invite you to circle, star or highlight the top 1-2 heart-centered sales strategies & tips that you’d like to lean into working more closely with, and why. 

Then ask yourself, how do you feel working with these specific strategies on a deeper level will positively affect your business trajectory? 

Lastly, I invite you to come up with 1-2 immediate empowered actions you can take in relation to each of those strategies or tips – i.e. perhaps you follow up with that potential client you’ve been meaning to follow up with, or create a new free offering for your community…

Again, really great work, and sending you SOOO much sales love, and wishing you a happy and restful long weekend ahead!

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