
Ready to set boundaries & create more space for restoration this holiday? Open me up. :)

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear community, I hope to find you well as we dive deep into the fullness of the holiday season. :)

I’m about to press pause from working on or in my business for my bi-annual seasonal month-long sabbatical… 

And, while in the past I used to resist this time of year – where the days are short and nights are long, I’ve now come to relish in the healing magic of this season…and sooooo looking forward to a much-needed long winter nap and spending some good QT with my boys!

During this time, I really get intentional about going offline – setting boundaries around my business and tech… i.e. not checking email & social media during my break, and oftentimes hiding my phone in a cabinet for days on end!

Consciously taking space away from my business and technology allows me to fill my cup back up after a very full fall season, and to fully receive the nourishment of this time of year…

It also frees up the spaciousness to do more of the things that I ADORE, like baking, hiking, reading, resting, dancing and dreaming (and new explorations like knitting!) – so that I can feel restored, inspired and activated to move into the new year with a greater sense of aliveness and alignment.

Also, taking this space and engaging in these joy-filled activities more frequently often results in me receiving hits of inspirational ideas for my business in the future – so it truly feels like a win-win!

While I know not everyone has the privilege of taking a month-long sabbatical – especially at this time of year, I do believe that most everyone has the capacity to get a little more intentional around their sacred time off and creating the space for deep rest.

Ask yourself:

How would you like to feel this holiday season?

What’s the energy that you’d like to lead yourself, your family, and your community with during this season of restoration?

How much unscheduled time and space would you like to weave into your winter season this year?

What do you need to set a boundary around so that you can experience the feelings and energy that you’re calling in above – and fully reap the healing benefits of winter?

All right dear ones, I hope you enjoy these inquiries, and myself and the ABC team are wishing you a nourishing and restorative winter season, and a sweet new year ahead,

Ps, while I’m going “dark” for the next month, please note that we’ll still be sending weekly (pre-written and pre-scheduled) communications with you during this time. So you’ll still be hearing from me and my team, and we’ll be sharing some of the exciting opportunities we have coming down the 2023 pipeline…just a heads up! <3

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