
Storytelling for sustainable business expansion… <3

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Business is built by the stories we tell.

Stories connect people, inspire people, and activate people.

The stories we share are the golden nuggets that our ideal clients and community remember and chew on forever.

And the more that we share our stories in business, the more connected and inspired our communities will feel to take action in terms of hiring, signing, or enrolling in our services.

Speaker and author Simon Sineck says – people don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.

So let this be a gentle reminder for you the next time you’re putting your offerings, services or pitches out into the world…

We explored compassionate storytelling for sustainable business expansion at the Uninhibited Mastermind retreat that I led recently.

We mused on different stories we could tell in business, honed in on a story that felt most compelling to share, workshopped the build-out of that particular story, then each UM babe shared a 3-4 minute nugget of their chosen story in front of the group. 

It was powerful to witness the transformation that each Queen of this UM cohort experienced by sharing her story – and to also witness the empathy, connection, and transformative growth that was created amongst this group by sharing their stories with each other.

If this is speaking to you, I invite you to keep reading to access some of the storytelling prompts from this retreat – and look so forward to you sharing your story with the world!

Storytelling for Sustainable Business Expansion Prompts:

  • Brainstorm 5 different story ideas you can share in your business. Ie, what inspired you to go into business in the first place, the struggles you’ve gone through and how you’ve gotten to the other side, a story about your messaging and branding, someone that’s inspired you along the way, etc.
  • Look at these ideas and hone in on the one that resonates the most for you. To clarify which story to choose, ask yourself:
  • What are your current offerings and goals, and which of these stories when you tell it will most help support that goal?
  • Which one of these story ideas when you share it, do you feel could benefit your business the most right now? 
  • Which of these story ideas do you feel could benefit your community the most right now? 
  • When you tell this story, how would you like it to land with your audience?
  • Which story is going to make you feel most empowered to tell right now?
  • Begin to build out your story, and add in all the details and sensory experiences to paint a vivid picture for your community. Share the lessons you’ve learned through the experience, your why for sharing it and the actions you’d like your community to take moving forward. 
  • Lastly, hone in on the most vital part of the story, and begin to share it with your community on SM, newsletter, reading in front of a group, etc.

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