
3 Steps to Unearthing Your Ideal & Aligned Seasonal Schedule

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear community,

One of my favorite things about owning my own business is that I get to design my business to work for me and my family’s needs, and set boundaries around my available hours and my sacred time off.

That being said, one of the things I most love ritualizing in my business is to create a quarterly Ideal and Aligned Seasonal Schedule…

In my early entrepreneurial years though, I experienced SO much resistance around block scheduling, but moving through that resistance has allowed for me to create a super-strong foundation for my business to flourish.

I now believe that creating a strong and seasonal container for one to get their work done in is KEY to entrepreneurial success and that aligning our daily actions with the rhythms and cycles of the natural world allows for us to experience a greater sense of freedom, flow, and JOY in our lives.

I just took the womxn in my Uninhibited Mastermind through the process of uncovering their aligned seasonal schedules for the Q1 (quarter 1) of this year, and I feel called to share it with you too…

Keep reading below to access this invaluable freedom and time-flow generating process.

3 Steps to Unearthing Your Ideal and Realistic Seasonal Schedule

STEP 1 – Determine your Time In

Your “Time In” is when you’re working IN your business. This is when you’re teaching, leading a class, holding a client coaching call, etc.

  • Determine which days of the week and what timeslots specifically you’ll be available to take clients, teach your classes, and hold your workshops, training calls, or retreats – and block your schedule out accordingly for the rest of Q1 of this year.

STEP 2 – Determine your Time On

Your “Time On” is when you’re working ON your business. This is when you’re working on content in your business, writing your newsletters, spending time on social media, building out your programming and passion projects, loving up on your finances, etc…

  • Determine which days of the week and what timeslots specifically you’ll be available to work ON your business.
  • For each respective category (ie social media content creation, newsletter writing, course creation, etc), create a dedicated weekly work block in your seasonal schedule to work on it and get it done.
  • e.g. Mon. Newsletter Content Creation work block 11-1230, Tue. Podcast Content Creation work block 1-2, Wed. Money Love Date 3-4, Fri. Book Writing work block 11-3.

STEP 3 – Determine your Sacred Time Off

Your sacred “Time Off” is exactly what it sounds like…your time off from working ON or IN your business. Setting strong boundaries around when you’re working and when you’re not is KEY to long-term, sustainable leadership.

  • Determine which days of the week and what timeslots specifically you’ll be unavailable to work on or in your business, and block schedule your calendar accordingly.
  • Bonus Tip: Schedule your sacred time off with morning or evening rituals/routines, self-care dates, and connection time with yourself, fam and your loved ones. Feel free to leave plenty of unscheduled time open too! 

All right friends, really great work here! Also, I have to mention, I highly recommend creating a seasonal schedule that feels really good and in alignment for you, with where you’re at in your life right now, versus what you think you should be doing…

Ask yourself, what would feel really good, grounding, and realistic – where you could get a lot done without burning yourself out?

For a new mom, that might look like working 10-15 hours a week like when I first went back to work postpartum, and for someone without kiddos or wee ones in school or daycare, perhaps it’s somewhere between 20-30 hours. 

For me, I currently don’t start my workday until 11 am and complete between 5-6 pm, 4 days a week, so roughly 25 hours a week, and I LOVE this schedule for myself. 

I also now take three months off out of the year, so you can look at your vacation time and weave this into your seasonal schedule too. :)  

The important thing to remember is that YOU get to decide, and you get to do you in this experience!

All right friends, that’s all for now. I hope this process is helpful for you, let me know if you have any questions and happy seasonal scheduling!





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