
How to ignite DEEP restoration, and fully reap the benefits of the darkest months of the year…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear ones!

As we’ve officially begun the descent into the darkest months of the year, with the marking of Halloween and Samhain (meaning Summer’s End in Gaelic) this past Sunday, this is a powerful time of year to focus on diving inward, take a good look at what projects need to be “tucked in” or completed in our businesses, and ask ourselves how we really want to feel during this nurturing season of restoration.

One of the things I most love doing during this season is to arm myself with my personal “Self Preservation Hibernation Toolkit”. 

This is all about creating a warm, cozy, magical and super supportive environment that invites deep rest and personal connection during the winter months. 

Examples of what to add into your toolkit: Candles + old tyme lanterns that you can use instead of electric lights, warm blankets, seasonal books + magazines, journals, bath salts, herbal tea blends, essential oils, meditation cushions, cozy clothing, food items for stew, soups, stocks, etc…most important thing is to have FUN with it and make sure it ignites a deep sense of joy.

I also love setting boundaries around what time I shut off screens, TV, and lights at night, as well as turning the internet off in my home to further accentuate the ritual of unplugging. 

Likewise, I get crystal clear around when I’m taking breaks in my business – this year will be a full month from Dec. 4th to Jan. 4th..woot woot! 

And, I recommend getting clear about what additional boundaries need to be set during these breaks, i.e. social media detox, temporarily removing myself from group text threads, not checking email, etc. – to cut down on “the noise”, and to activate a deeper sense of presence and fully reap the benefits of the inward turn.

I truly believe that giving ourselves permission to set strong boundaries in our businesses and personal lives, and take seasonal breaks (that go against the Western societal norm), allows for greater sustainability and flow…and if we allow ourselves to receive this gift, this season can provide us with the rooted nourishment SO necessary to birth a new year ahead with strength, vitality, and ground.

Here are a few of my favorite journaling Q’s for you to dive into to get yourself and your business prepped and armed for these restorative winter months (these are repeat q’s from last year, but I believe they’re so helpful that I’m posting them again for you!):

  1. How would you energetically like to feel during this period of restoration and hibernation?
  2. What do you need to do to prepare yourself and your business, both on an inner and outer level, to fully reap the benefits of the inward turn? And what boundaries need to be put in place to make that happen?
  3. What elements of your business/projects need to be completed, released, put on hold, or “tucked in” before the year’s end?
  4. If there is a winter project that wants to get focused on – what that might that be, when would you like for that to take place, and how specifically would you like to approach that project during the inward turn?
  5. How much time would you like to take off during this holiday season? And what needs to happen in order to take that time and space off?
  6. If you were to complete those pieces, put these boundaries in place, and fully turn inward during the dark months, what would positively shift for you in your life? What would open up for you in your business? What would have the chance to get activated at the beginning of the year?
  7. What aligned steps need to be put in place to really “tuck in” the projects you have going for the remainder of this year? – write all the steps/tasks down, and then break them down monthly, weekly, daily.
  8. What next right actions or rituals would you like to commit or devote yourself to during this period of the darkness?

 All right dear community! I hope you enjoy diving deep into these questions and rituals, and into this sacred restorative season…sending so much love, and wishing you all of the nourishment and restoration in the coming weeks and months that you deserve!




P.S. I’m so excited to share that I’ll be hosting 2 of my incredible client’s work here at my retreat space (newly named The Gathering Ground) on Sat 11/6. It’s a spoken word & performance incubator salon, showcasing local written work that’s longing to live beyond the page! Da Salon is fostering a more dynamic way to the workshop, where YOUR presence catalyzes the evolution of the work, and the lonely work of writing is made less lonely by putting it at the center of a creative gathering. After the workshop-style performance, an artsy happy hour will take place featuring Groove Wines, snacks, and loads of creative inspiration. I’m so looking forward to this and to having you there. Grab a ticket before they’re gone (space is limited) at this link HERE, and we look forward to seeing you soon! <3

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