
Own your right to take up space, and claim your dream life…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello, beautiful community!

One of the common threads of resistance I hear from my clients is around worthiness. 

Questions like: “Who am I to lead groups? Will my community want what I have to offer? Am I smart enough? Do I have enough credentials? Frequently flood into the radar…

This has me thinking about my upcoming FREE online workshop, Unleash Your Impact: 5 Core Skills to Become a WILDLY Impactful Leader, Surge your Income, and Constantly Fill Your Transformational Groups and Retreats.

If you haven’t already signed up for that amazingness, you can claim your spot HERE. 

Here’s the thing:

YOU, Uninhibited Queen, are a torchbearer and beacon of light for your community…

And, now is NOT the time to hold yourself back for fear of sounding stupid – or any of those pesky fears that result in you dimming your light.

On the flip side, it’s HIGH TIME friend, to sit tall on your throne, dare to live and lead from the fullness of who you are and PLAY FULL OUT – fear and all. 

This is the key to changing the world…when we, the heart-driven change-makers, radiate our brilliance TOGETHER and create the powerful positive ripple effect and impact that we want to see.


With all this said, rest assured, it’s soooo freaking normal to experience fear and resistance around making an empowered step forward for your business and your life.

And yet, it’s absolutely necessary and required of us to acknowledge these fears and doubts, work with them, and move through them with courage so that we can BE that torch-bearer and beacon of light for our community.

That’s why it’s VITAL to surround yourself with other brilliant change-makers on your entrepreneurial journey – to get stretched out of your comfort zone and be held accountable to your goals, visions, and dreams…

And that’s what we’ll be doing during my FREE workshop next week. Click HERE to join our global community of mission-driven Queens.

In the training, we’ll explore:

  • How to confidently claim your space to create supportive communities and groups that create the ripple effect so needed for positive systemic change.
  • How you can create thousands of dollars of additional revenue per year, and help SO MANY more folx by daring to be seen and heard marketing your offerings from a place of authentic service. 
  • Why creating a PLEASURE-based business model is soooo freaking important to the viability, sustainability, success, and SANITY of your business, long-term. 
  • And… THE KEY piece every advanced facilitator needs to know to avoid burnout.

Click here to claim your space for this FREE epic online event.

I SO hope you’ll join our global community of badass fempreneurs who are committed to rolling up their sleeves, getting uncomfortable, stretching themselves to new heights, and bearing their MAGNIFICENT LIGHT to the world.

Sending love, and can’t wait to dive in deeper with you soon at the workshop!

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