
How to uncover your leadership strengths…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

There are some moments in life where you want to capture the essence of forever, bottle it up in a jar, and tap into that feeling of elation, expansion and empowerment at any moment.

One of those moments for me was leading our Summer Solstice Uninhibited Mastermind retreat…



If you were to ask me what most lights me up in life, leading these multi-day retreats makes it near the top of the list.

It brings me SO much joy to witness womxn and non-binary folx claiming their power on a deeper level and finding the strength within themselves to take bold risks and speak their deepest and most vulnerable truths in front of others.

It’s an honor to witness a compassionate human giving themselves the permission to be stretched out of their comfort zone – and then witnessing them EMBODYING a heightened level of confidence in themselves afterwards.

Time and time again after I lead these retreats, I’m reminded of the importance of coming together in a supportive community – of allowing ourselves to be held and guided, and not doing the entrepreneurial and leadership dance alone.

And I always learn SO much about myself while leading these experiences – my clients and community are also some of my greatest teachers and witnessing and supporting them guides me in becoming a better human…and I give thanks for that.

I love how creative I get to be throughout the whole process – bringing all of my gifts, talents and strengths into the experience. Leading retreats feels like a sweet spot of mine and one of my Queen Leadership Strengths, and I’d like to help you uncover yours.

Here are a few questions for you to dive into to help you get clear on what your Queen Leadership Strengths are in your life, leadership and business:

  1. What lights you up the most in your business and life?
  2. What’s that thing that gets you most excited to do in your business/practice/passion project?
  3. What gets you most riled up and jazzed to talk about with your community?
  4. What work for you truly doesn’t feel like work? Like time is in total flow and somehow 6-7 hours goes by and feels like 1?
  5. What theme are you seeing as a throughline with the 4 questions above, and how can you begin to incorporate this theme more frequently in your life, leadership and business?

When I did this exercise a few years back, I discovered that one of my strongest Queen Leadership Strengths is around leading transformational retreats… and once I discovered that, I began to shift my business model to reflect and incorporate them more into my featured programming.

So what is it for you? What would you like to be doing more of on a more consistent basis in your business and in your life? What do you feel like your sweet spot is? And what is your Queen Leadership Strength?

Would love to hear what’s coming forward for you in the comments below.

So deeply honored to be on this path of personal and professional growth with you all, and thank you for creating the MAGIC alongside me.

So much love, 



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