
Spring Equinox Reflection Exercise

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear community, Happy Spring! <3

This past weekend I hosted a Spring Equinox retreat for my Uninhibited Mastermind group, where we did some Spring Cleaning and Planning for the spring and summer quarters of our businesses.

As I’m sure you’re well aware, we also just hit the year anniversary of this worldwide pandemic, so for their retreat prep I asked them to take stock of this past year and do a little reflection and processing of what we’ve been going through, both on a personal and collective level.

I feel called to share this with you too as I feel it’s imperative to process and reflect on how the pandemic has impacted us all.

Please keep reading below for some reflective journaling prompts, and how you’d like to weave it’s lessons into your respective lives and businesses.

It’s been a time unlike any other in history, and I honor you for the way you’ve continued to show up and persevere, in the midst of these unprecedented times…

Always with love,




Pandemic Year Anniversary Reflection Exercise: 

  1. As we find ourselves at the year anniversary of the pandemic, I invite you to take a moment to dive in and reflect on this past year. Journal stream of conscious style on how this past year has made an impact on your life and your business. Take stock and write down all that you’ve experienced these past 12 months – the roller coaster of emotions, the challenges and hardships, the lessons and the learnings, and the gifts and rewards. 
  2. Take a moment to honor how you’ve continued to show up for yourself and your community, take bold action, gotten creative, and learned to adapt – and how you’ve continued to say yes to yourself and your vision in spite of it all. 
  3. Next, explore how experiencing this pandemic has inspired you to show up in an even more impactful way for your mission, and in your business and leadership. 
  4. Lastly, through this reflection, ask yourself if there’s anything that’s being asked to be simplified, shifted or woven into your business. Let yourself get curious and open to what wants to be integrated and retained.

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