
Want to have a solid action plan for your Q2 projects to Spring forward from? Open this up… <3

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear ones,

While it might not feel like it for those of you in the midwest or east coast, (I know you all got HAMMERED with snow this past weekend!) rest assured Spring is indeed on her way!

Here’s a pic of me and my little man Quintin rainbow chasing yesterday… :)

Tuesday of this week marked the Gaelic traditional festival of Imbolc – the exact midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. 

Imbolc, means “In the Belly” in Gaelic, and focuses on the themes of new beginnings, planting seeds, fresh energy, beginner’s mind, faith and trust. 

This is a powerful opportunity to do some spring cleaning, set the foundational seeds of intention for your spring projects, and map them into your aligned seasonal schedule.

We did this recently in my Uninhibited Mastermind program, and it feels soooo freaking good to have a solid plan of action from which to move forward from!


  • What are the 2-3 creative Spring projects you’d like to focus on cultivating? Think either on an outer level – i.e. a new creative project for your business, or on a personal level – such as a social media detox.
  • What months of Q2 specifically will these projects take place (Apr-June)?
  • What next right action steps need to be put in place to move towards that intention? Write all the steps/tasks down, and then break them down monthly. 
  • What containers need to be put in place to help you reach that vision? (boundaries, no’s, what you need to let go of, what you need to say yes to/get support around)
  • Bonus Action: Map them all out in your aligned seasonal blocked schedule

This is also a potent time for ritual and ceremony – weaving in elements of trust, beginner’s mind and planting seeds…

One of the rituals I most love to do at this time of year is to start my seeds. Planting a new plant, building a spring altar and writing down your intentions on little flower petals or seed packets are other fun ideas too.

Alright friends, enjoy diving into these q’s, and would love to hear from you…what are some of the Spring intentions, visions and projects that you’d like to create? Please share – would love to hear!

Sending love your way and many blessings for a brighter and healthy Springtime season ahead,

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