
Effective strategies to clear the slate and prepare your business/passions for Spring… <3

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello dear community, hope to find you well and happy beginnings of Spring!

Last week I hosted the incredible, change-making women of the Soulstice Sisterhood Leadership Mastermind at my retreat space to celebrate Imbolc – the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

And this was our altar – sooo pretty right?!

Imbolc, meaning “In the Belly” in Gaelic, marks the kickoff to Spring in the ancient Celtic tradition, and focuses on the themes of new beginnings, planting seeds, fresh energy, beginner’s mind, faith and trust.

We utilized this gathering to clean the slate, dream up our spring projects, and map them into our aligned seasonal schedules.

This is the perfect time for some spring cleaning and visioning  – so here are a few questions that we journaled in for you to explore…


  • What are the 2-3 creative Spring projects you’d like to focus on bringing to life? Think either on an outer level – i.e. a new creative project for your business, or on a personal level – i.e. a social media detox, or updated self-care ritual routine.
  • What months of the quarter specifically will these projects take place (Feb-Apr)?
  • What next right action steps need to be put in place to move towards that intention? Write all the steps/tasks down, and then break them down monthly.
  • What elements of trust & beginner’s mind would you like to call on to support you in birthing these projects? (i.e. excitement, joy, raw energy, fresh perspective)
  • What purification rituals need to be put in place to help you reach that vision? (boundaries, “no’s, what you need to let go of)

We also explored creating our Ideal Seasonal Spring Calendars. To do this, you want to get clear of your Time IN (when you’re teaching/leading in your business), Time ON (when you’re working on the specific tasks that you uncovered above for your creative projects) and sacred Time OFF/OUT (non-negotiable you time!).

Once you’re clear on all of that, map it out on your monthly calendar, then from macro to micro, break it down weekly and daily for the most effective productivity.

Alright sweet friends, enjoy diving into these q’s, and would love to hear from you…what are some of the Spring intentions, visions and projects that you’d like to create? Please share with us in the comments below – would love to hear!


Sending love your way and many blessings for a sweet Springtime season ahead,

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