
How regarding our body as sacred can enhance our leadership… {Resource for You}

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

It’s been a good 6 months now since interviewing the brilliant women of the Uninhibited Women Leadership Conference…and have been missing it!

Today I want to share with you an interview I recently held with two incredible women who are creating some serious positive transformation in the world of women through food, lifestyle and deep soul-nourishment. Courtney Riley and Venessa Rodriguez are two of my dear friends, colleagues, and clients who’s mission I stand firmly behind, and am excited to share what they’re creating in the world with you.

In this inspiring interview we explored:

  1. How addressing our habits creates the space to transform mentally, emotionally and spiritually
  2. How detoxification is an ancient tool that’s been used throughout history for functioning at your highest potential
  3. How regarding our body as sacred can help us step more deeply into our leadership
  4. How body toxicity can inhibit fulfilling one’s potential, and what to do about it

We also discussed their upcoming Dive Deep Detox Program, a whole foods-based 14 day detox program designed to help one reflect, reset, rejuvenate and restore through whole food-based nutrition, meditation, yoga nidra, journaling, breath work and self-reflection.

I LOVED this conversation with these two powerhouses, and invite you to click on the link below to check out our interview.

How regarding our body as sacred can enhance our leadership

Venessa and Courtney are also holding a live webinar on 1/8 where they’ll be sharing more on their philosophies and further details of the 2 week program.I’m looking forward to signing up myself for this in the New Year and invite you to join me by signing up at this link here: excited to clean out house!

Sending so much love to you all in this community, and wishing you so much love in the coming year ahead,

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