A few weeks ago Melissa Riker, my friend and founder of the NYC based dance company Kinesis Project, shared that she wanted to come visit my workshop space in Petaluma and choreograph a dance with me.
I was floored. I had been calling out for this for some time now…this was HUGE!
I cut this creative part of myself off a few years ago when starting my coaching business…but as the years went by I came to realize that dance was a lifeline for me, and I could no longer ignore the calling to move and shake again in a serious way.
Over the past 7 months since moving to Petaluma, I’ve begun the process of reclaiming myself as a dancer. And I also felt that I needed some support along the process because:
a. I felt vulnerable. I’ve been working with a new version of my body – a couple of minor injuries and extra weight have shifted how I used to move as a dancer.
b. because the creative juices haven’t been flowing like they used to.
The experience was amazing – albeit uncomfortable at times. And I’m excited to share that I’ll perform the piece soon – something that I’ve been hungering to do after 5 years of performance silence.
I share this because so many of us have cut the creative parts of ourselves off for many different reasons – work, kids, not feeling good enough, unworthiness, feeling like we’re too old, lack of time, etc.
Fear and the busyness of life get in the way.
But here’s the deal, creative expression is what actually makes us FEEL ALIVE and a sense of joy that simply cannot be felt when we’re not conveying ourselves creatively. (Click to Tweet)
It also helps us to deepen into our leadership by connecting in on a more intimate level with our power and strength.
If we want to experience happiness and a true sense of fulfillment in this life, I believe that we have to give ourselves the permission to reconnect to our creativity, even if it makes us feel a little vulnerable…and when we do this, we feel whole and connected to our creative power – and that feels damn good.
Over the next few days I encourage you to get curious about where you’ve been creatively stifling yourself, and I invite you to answer the questions below to help you reconnect to your creative power.
1. What was a creative outlet for you in the past that really lit you up that you’ve shut away over the past few years?
2. When did that stifling process begin for you and why?
3. Have compassion for distancing yourself from this passion and then ask yourself if you might dare to creatively reclaim her?
4. I invite you to get curious about how this piece of yourself can potentially come back into your life. What are two small actions that you can take over the next week or two to begin to reclaim this part of you?
5. What would begin to shift in your life, business and leadership if you were to reclaim her?
I can’t wait to hear about your creative reclamation…Let me know how it goes for you in the comments below.
Only love,