
4 Simple Strategies on How to Get Reembodied For Success in Life & Business…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.


I recently got back from a biz coaching conference with 500 holistic entrepreneurial women where I was asked lead a dance break one day, and speak the next, and it felt so good to be up on that stage again–where I’m comfortable and at ease.

As many of you know I was a professional modern dancer for 10 years, was a dance major in college, and my mama was my dance teacher growing up, but I haven’t been seen on stage in the last few years…

While I was up there shakin’ my thang and speaking my truth, I felt fulfilled by the opportunity to inspire others by sharing my story, and I felt empowered, and completely embodied.

What does it mean to be embodied? I mean really?

After typing the word into Google search, this definition popped up:
Embodiment: a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or FEELING.

Whether we identify ourselves as entrepreneurs, working 9 to 5ers, or stay at home mamas, we as women have in many ways, lost our connection and our willingness to FEEL and fully inhabit our bodies. And honestly, this keeps us from how we really want to feel–which is FREE…

A true story, about yours truly…

When I first started out my biz, I was working 12-plus hours a day, was hitting the hay at 2am almost every night, didn’t give myself a weekend, and was completely ignoring my NEED for self-care. I was overly nurturing my “biz baby”, and I ended up neglecting everything else that was TRULY important to me: my partner, my family, my friends, and, most importantly, my SELF and my BODY. I felt disembodied and disempowered, and as a professional dancer gone online coach, I felt like I was somehow becoming my computer.

Back then I was running my business from an uber-masculine perspective. If I wasn’t doing something for my biz, or hadn’t achieved the kind of results I wanted, I felt that “I must not be doing enough”, and stayed up till the wee hours of the morn pushing harder to get them…and then I BURNED THE EFF OUT! I was tired, I was stunting the growth of my business, felt like crap and not having fun… This was not what I signed up for.

I knew there had to be another way…a more enjoyable way of running my life. So, I stopped going on my “crazy business crash diet” of pushing, doing and trying so hard, and I started to open up to a more feminine approach.

I finally discovered the secret sauce of success with business and life— is that the key of going from a place of just surviving to TRULY THRIVING, is to bring the focus back to your higher SELF and to your BODY. Below are the simple strategies I used to come back home to myself… The results of finding this newfound freedom in my life, business and in my body that I hadn’t felt in years…were divine!

4 Simple Strategies on How to Get ReEmbodied For Success In Life And Business

#1 Shake Your Thing Every Day

These Strategies aren’t rocket science, but sometimes we just need to be gently reminded… You know you’ve gotta move your body, but most often it feels too daunting to think of. Here’s the deal, you don’t have to engage in a 90-minute yoga class everyday to get embodied. Doing a simple downward dog or stretch sequence in the morning–or a Booty Break Session (more on that later) in the afternoon, will get you more connected to you. One of my favorite resources is 5 to 120 min. streaming online yoga classes, so if you’re on the go, at home working or taking care of your newborn babe, you can still get in a 5 min. yoga practice and you will FEEL the SO MUCH BETTER.

#2 Set Clear Boundaries

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or working a corporate gig, you must set clear boundaries for your days. There is no need for this staying up til 2am stuff to meet a “deadline”. Less is more, and that’s for sure been the case in my life and in my biz. When I stopped working 12+ hours, started block scheduling my days, and completing the work day by 6pm, I actually got SO much more done in my business, and it allowed me the time and the space to get into my body and out of my computer. That’s when the flow happened!

#3 Meditate & Breathe Deep

What I love so much about meditation is that it truly allows for us to slow down, and actually feel ourselves. Of course that’s the reason a lot of people can’t seem to stand it…their minds start racing like mad and they feel sensations that that they’re not used to feeling when they’re running around 24/7. What I suggest while meditating is to actually visualize whatever your desired state is while you’re practicing… How specifically would you like to FEEL in that desired state, be it confidence, freedom, empowerment, or embodiment? Actually visualize what you’d be doing when you’re in that desired state, and the feelings that you’d be feeling–and that will allow for you to up-level the frequency of your body to a more positive state, and you’ll actually feel like you’re already there. Talk about embodied action!

#4 Splurge on Bodywork

The amount of clarity and embodiment I feel during and after receiving bodywork is massive. Sometimes I’ll get clarity about a program title I’ve been “trying” to come up with for some time… At times I’ll start crying in the session—allowing for a much-needed release to occur. And other times I walk out feeling like I’m floating on air. Now, I know what you’re thinking…but I don’t have the budget for that! Well actually, yes you do. Some practitioners work on a sliding scale basis, some charge a dollar a minute, and some of course charge much more…but the point is, that you CAN make bodywork a priority. For less than an inexpensive dinner you can get 30 min. of chair massage, or go to a community acupuncture clinic, and receive the healing energy that you need to get back in to that sweet body of yours.

I encourage you to choose at least one of these modalities now, and start applying it straight away to your everyday, so that you can receive more clarity, boost your energy, and get back to connecting with the innate wisdom that lies inside of your most precious body temple…
Sending love, and light always,

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