Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hello Beautiful Woman, I'm Ashley Burnett

I’m so stoked you’re here, and welcome to my online hub! I’m a multifaceted six-figure business owner who fiercely values self-care, creativity, nature, movement, heart-driven community and BOLD self-expression. I help my entrepreneurial clients in the holistic and creative industries experience the MAGIC of work/life balance, heightened income, boosted confidence, and the full embodiment of their purpose-based business. If you’re ready to create the most fully aligned version of your life, and have a freaking blast while making a positive IMPACT, our offerings are here for you – and rooted with LOVE.

Get your FREE Queen Confidence Boosting eBook

Grab my eBook, 11 Core Mindsets of an Uninhibited Business QUEEN to radically boost your self-assurance, surge your income and positively change the world.