
Happy Summer Solstice & Full Strawberry Moon

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Yesterday marked the longest day and shortest night of the year – where there is officially 6 hours and 6 minutes more daylight than at the Winter Solstice.

And, that being said, although the desire to “check out” and take fun summer breaks is strong (and needed), it’s also a ripe time to explore what we want to cultivate for the 2nd half of this year.

Last night at the Replenish Retreat (which was EPIC, btw we officially opened registration today for our 9/12 event!) we dove into 2nd half of the year goal setting from a summer-kissed, playful perspective.

This eve on the full Pink moon, or sometime this weekend would be the perfect time to dive into getting intentional with mapping out your second half of 2024. 

Also, at the retreat I shared a few different ways of working with me and Team ABC right now:

  1. A high-support, 1-1, year-long coaching program for the woman who’s at her growth edge and ready to fully claim her power & financial sovereignty, and to soar her mission-driven business to extraordinary heights (only 2 spots avail this year)
  2. Our 4-month Fall Mastermind Collective that’s starting just around the corner – spots are already filling fast with our current cohort stepping back in!
  3. And a SUPER LUXE Chicago-based retreat happening in Oct. called Wildly Prosperous – sooo damn stoked for this one. :)

More on these in more detail soon – but for those that want to get first dibs on these spots (and receive a sizable early bird discount), I invite you to BOOK A CALL with me to explore. My team and I can’t wait to support you with your vision and I’m so excited for the exciting and abundant journey ahead!

2nd Half of the Year Goal Setting Summer Solstice Journaling Q’s: 

  1. What do you REALLY want & see for yourself for the second half of this year? Business, health, relationships, personal life? If fear and doubt were not a factor, what would you really want?
  2. What’s important about that? What’s your WHY around it? What will having that do for you?
  3. Who will be positively impacted by you actualizing that vision?
  4. What feels hard or challenging about getting there? What might slow you down or stop you from reaching your goal? (e.g. belief systems, systems, structures or old habits, people)
  5. What do you need to let go of, lovingly release, or put a boundary around so that you can free up more of your precious energy and laser focus on reaching that goal?
  6. What kind of support do you need to put in place, who do you need to surround yourself around to reach that vision?
  7. What’s the energy that you’d like to lead with as you move towards that goal? And how can you utilize the theme of summer – playfulness, radiance, confidence to reach your 2nd half of the year goals?
  8. What’s the next right action that you’d like to put in place that will help you move the needle towards that vision?

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