
Drumroll Please!

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

For those of you who took the time to fill out our survey and share your feedback – thank you SO VERY MUCH.

And those of you who did were entered into a raffle to win a FREE Power Hour Coaching Session with me, and we’re excited to announce that…

the winner is…🎉


Niki, please reply to this email or email us at to schedule your free session. I can’t wait to connect with you and help you gain some instant clarity on your next-steps! <3

Also, those of you who are local to Quincy, IL, a friendly reminder that I’m leading the Summer Solstice edition of my signature Replenish Retreat, and I’m PUMPED to say the least.

Niki, please email us at to schedule your free session. I can’t wait to connect with you and help you gain some instant clarity on your next-steps! <3

Also, those of you who are local to Quincy, IL, a friendly reminder that I’m leading the Summer Solstice edition of my signature Replenish Retreat, and I’m PUMPED to say the least. 

You may have seen on IG that I got home from my epic Sarah McLachlan @ Red Rocks roadtrip the other day to head straight to the hospital as my dad had had emergency surgery the day before I got home… 

It’s been A LOT without much time to recalibrate from the trip, let alone process the emotional toll that having an ailing loved one takes on one’s heart-space.

All this to say that I ALSO NEED this Replenish Retreat

Because while I’ll indeed be holding space and facilitating, it’s going to provide me with a container away from my family for a few precious hours to process my emotions around this big curveball, and to replenish my own reserves.

That’s why I created these retreats 10 years ago, to provide a space for us to step AWAY from all the business building, family coordinating, household managing, and busy work day…







I’ve seen some of the best creative ideas emerge out of these retreats…

And I’ve seen women heal on a deep soul level from gathering with other women in this intentional – but freaking FUN way…

Because while we go deep, we also do it up ladies night out style.

And, the menu that Madison Steinkamp is putting together for this day is literally worth the ticket admission in and of itself.

I’d love for you to be there CLICK HERE TO JOIN US  and I hope to see you there!

P.S. I was honored this past week to be the featured QHS Alumni Spotlight in my high school’s alumni association newsletter. HERE’S THE LINK TO THE ARTICLE – if you’d like to hear more about the FULL progression of my life & entrepreneurial journey… It’s very in-depth and I hope you enjoy! <3

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