
Ready for less stuck and more flow?

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

One of my favorite biz (and life) practices to prioritize in the spring is patching up leaky energy in my business.

This practice plays off the spring themes of cleansing & clearing to make way for blossoming & flow, and is imperative, especially when stagnation is happening in our businesses…

How can we expect to be in flow, when things are getting ignored, or are leaking, stagnant, or stuck?

It’s like when the gutters are full, or your toilet’s clogged (especially if you’re on septic like me) – y’all know it’s a big ol mess! 

This is what can happen to our businesses when an area gets avoided or ignored…

So let this be your friendly reminder for a little intentional spring cleaning… <3

Think about what your goals, dreams, and visions are for this year, and ask yourself if there are any energy leaks that you need to patch up so that you can move forward in a flow state towards that vision.

Ask yourself, is there stagnation or misalignment:


e.g. In your marketing & offerings, with your team or clients, during your enrollment convos, or doing things not in your genius zone, etc.


e.g. Not paying bills on time, ignoring/avoidance, not holding a sacred money date, etc.


e.g. Going to bed too late, not prioritizing self-care, too much Netflix binging, ect.


e.g. Not speaking your truth, nit picking, arguing, not holding your boundaries…

Then ask yourself:

  1. What actions, things, beings, or activities are no longer serving or supporting you, and the way that you’re currently operating your business, workday, or free time, that you’re ready to release and let go of? 
  2. What would you like instead, and what new thoughts, actions, and boundaries do you need to put in place and choose to adopt as an Uninhibited Queen who is READY for her inevitable success?!

When we clear the stagnation and create new thoughts, actions, and boundaries that align with our vision, we create space for experiencing and manifesting that which we actually want to have and experience. 

And, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, if we want to experience something differently, then we have to DO something differently.

So try the scary new thing, let that team member or misaligned client go, stop trying to do it all yourself,  hire your support squad, get out of isolation, and devote yourself to your vision, mission, and dreams.

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