
Balancing Act – tips for finding balance in your biz & life…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

When Kenyetta, the PR Director at the Quincy Chamber of Commerce, asked me to give a talk entitled Balancing Act for their Women Empowered event a few months back, I was pumped

Cause helping women create more balance, time-freedom, prosperity, and joy is one of my greatest passions.

The hard truth is that SO many women are on the brink of burnout. 

Working 40-80 hour weeks hustling to make their mission-driven businesses (or someone else’s) work.

(Believe me, I’ve been there, done that!)

And, when you pair that with parenting, and managing the lives of our kids, families, and homes…

Well, it’s A LOT.

And, there isn’t much left over for our self-care, dreams, and the next big thing that we want to create. 

That’s why in the work that I do, we focus on leading our lives & operating our businesses sustainably and from a place of pleasure…

In a way that:

  • Works with the energetics of a woman’s body
  • Cycles with the seasons of nature (since we’re part of it baby!)
  • Reclaims their most valuable asset (their precious time)
  • And has breaks, sabbaticals, and spaciousness woven into the mix 

I also shared some of my favorite tools & tips for cultivating balance in business & life. 

You can find those useful tips & tools below…

Also next week, I’ll be sending out a quick survey and in exchange I’ll be offering you my Productivity Playlist – the perfect mix for a balance inducing #middaybootybreak . 

Cause when we prioritize those breaks it not only recalibrates our nervous system but also:

  • Boosts productivity
  • Reduces stress
  • Inspires creativity
  • And aids in a sense of work/life balance and the long-term sustainability of our businesses…

4 Tips & Tools for Finding Balance in Your Business & Life

Tool #1 – Morning Meditation & Breathwork – How you start your day sets the tone, foundation, and intention for your whole day. Start off on the right foot by prioritizing a short meditation and breathwork practice. Close your eyes, count backwards from 10 taking a deep grounding inhale and exhale with count each, and your nervous system will be reset, allowing you to move forward from a place of balance.

Tool #2 – Schedule Micro Breaks During Your Workday – Use your phone timer to schedule short nervous system recalibration breaks: e.g. movement or #middaybootybreaks, nourishment breaks with tea and grounding foods, nature or (earthing) breaks, or Constructive Rest (my fave strategy for feeling like you got a 30 min nap in 5 min!)

Tool #3 – Set Boundaries Around Your Time – One of the most efficient and effective ways I’ve created more balance in my business & life has been to block schedule my time (see tip below). I also love putting my phone on silent mode and setting timers for each work block so that I can stay in my lane of focus.

Tool #4 – Create Your Ideal & Aligned Seasonal Schedule – Learn to buy back hours of your precious time, align your business with the cycles & rhythms of nature, make more $, and create more spaciousness and joy in your business by watching my free workshop on the reclaiming your time HERE.

All right beautiful people, wishing you a sweet and nourishing weekend, and look forward to connecting again with you next week!

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