
Love Your Body Lean & Lose Weight With Ease…

Lead With Strength. Embody Your Truth. Spread The Love.

Hey There Strong Body Lovers!


Man don’t you just feel this sense of freedom and release when the weekend hits?  A sense of relaxation and surrender to all the do do doing all week long?  

Last weekend I headed up to Pt. Reyes Station, CA to take a chill pill.  I took a yoga class, had a lovely lunch at Cowgirl Creamery, and strolled around the litte quaint Northern Californian town.

Ashley at Cowgirl Creamery

I then trucked on over the the “hidden” town of Bolinas–went the the beach, watched the surfers and felt myself begin to unravel…

Ahhhh…don’t you wish you could experience that sense of freedom all week long?  And, what about feeling that sense of freedom within your body and self at all times–every single day?

It all starts from a place of surrender and letting go.  When we surrender to all the pushing, struggling, and exhaustion that comes from trying so hard to make things happen, is when we’re actually are able to start living our lives with ease, grace and JOY, and step into our truth with BIG LOVE.  What happens then is miraculous.  When we stop operating from a contracted state, and start to move around in the world from a place of release is when the transformation occurs…this is when we our bodies will be okay with losing the weight, getting the job, or finding the man of your dreams.  Brilliant huh?

I know this information might seem counterintuitive to some of you, or perhaps you don’t even know where to begin.  And, what does that mean anyway— to love yourself so much that the weight then falls off with ease?

I’d love to answer any questions you might have around this and share my insight on my FREE  transformational 90-minute teleconference, the “Love Your Body Lean” Breakthrough Coaching Call on Tue. 3/12 at 6pm PST/8pm CST.  Register here for the FREE talk at

Check out the Video!

On the call I’ll be sharing with you the exact same strategies and tools I’ve used to go from a size 16 to an 8, lose 25 lbs, clear up my skin, decrease my anxiety, kick my cravings, stop the negative self-talk around her body, and ULTIMATELY LOVE and RESPECT my body for the long haul…and it wasn’t by going to the gym and eating skimpy salads 7 days a week either…

Here’s a sneak peek as to what you’ll discover on the call:

· My 6-step “Compassionate Weight-Loss Method”, and why and how it works

· The number 1 mistake women make when trying to lose weight, and what to do instead

· Why self-love is so important and how it can help you release weight in a matter of days

· Ashley’s top 3 strategies on how to double your energy in less than a week

Look, it is a process– it hasn’t happened overnight, but with a little focused love and attention I can assure you it is possible to experience freedom from the “body wars”, or any other war that you’re running with yourself for that matter!

One thing that you can start to do for yourself this weekend to show yourself some serious self-love and expedite the process of release, is to commit to a 5 minute meditation either first thing in the morning or right before you go to sleep.  Find a comfortable seat in a quite space, and close your eyes.

Ash Weekend Affirmation Week 2

As you’re meditating, recite the affirmation, “Today I Choose To Embrace & Appreciate the Present Moment.”  Just repeat it silently to yourself and see what happens…  After a few minutes, your muscles and the cells of your body will start to chillax.  Your blood pressure will lower, you’ll feel more emotionally balanced and you’ll be getting your calm on. Su-weet!

Looking forward to having you on the call on Tuesday!  Again here is the link to register.

Now, I’d love to hear from y’all.  Do you ever feel like you try too hard to “make” weight loss happen, or relax and let go?

Have you ever come from a place of negativity around your body, and have come out on the other side?

Leave a comment below and tell me about it as I’d love to hear your experience!

P.S. If you can’t make Tuesdays call time, feel free to still sign up here and we’ll send you the recording!

Much love and happy chillaxing,